Tuesday, November 15, 2011

debaran kian dirasai

i'm so tired today n lazy+no mood at all to wrote something !! but if i did'nt wrote more than 1 days i feel uneasy!! wth of feeling real i don't know... i'm also very eager to write about this tittle ! i like  so much this entry ok STOP !!!!!!!!!!  we're out of the main topic.. back to the topic aq rasa semakin x sedap hati memandang kan  keputusan peperiksaan bakal keluar 2 hari sahaja lagi bak kata pepatah mandi x asah tidur x lena gitu lah gamaknya( nampak nyeww dah mula melalut) why aq aser takut bagai nak rak ni? of coz rr this is very important to me and aq boleh janji yang mungkin aq akan sakit mental kalau asyik duk memikirkan ini.... btw ari niey pom ari yang bahagia iaitu hari ni adalah MY BUFDAY !!! yahoooo!! hoooray(melompat kegirangan like kanak kanak ribena n dapat gula gula) hehehe... ok dah malas nk tulis panjang wanna gosok baju sekolah chow right babe


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